The Challenges Forum is a strategic and dynamic platform for constructive dialogue among leading policymakers, practitioners and academics on key issues and developments in peace operations.
The Challenges Forum is a strategic and dynamic platform for constructive dialogue among leading policymakers, practitioners and academics on key issues and developments in peace operations.
Highlights from CAF24Berlin
Directors welcome to #CAF24Berlin
Our Reflections on the Pact for the Future
Interview with our new Director Benoît Pylyser
L'outil numérique pour les chefs de missions
The Challenges Annual Forum
What is the Challenges Forum?
Read the highlights from our panel discussion on ways to improve protection of civilians mandates... Read more »
2024.09.19The Challenges Forum’s reflections on the pact for the future and peace operations.
2024.06.14We are delighted to introduce our new Partners Organizations Advisory Committee (POAC). The Advisory Committee... Read more »
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