Meeting the Challenges of Peace Operations: Cooperation and Coordination
Phase I of the project was brought to a close by a concluding report presented by the Foreign Minister of Sweden on behalf of the Project Partners to the UN Secretary-General in 2002. Partner Organizations decided to proceed with a second phase in which they would address, in more depth, some of the specific challenges identified in the first report.
The multidimensional nature of contemporary peace operations produces a complex web of challenges, all of which demand a high level of international cooperation at strategic, operational and tactical levels. Effective cooperation and coordination among states, organizations and individuals are critical factors to success and Project Partners decided to focus on three areas: the Regional Dimensions of Peace Operations, Rule of Law, and Education and Training.
The present report “Meeting the Challenges of Peace Operations: Cooperation and Coordination” draws on the discussions and findings from seminars held between late 2002 and early 2005, hosted by Partner Organizations in Australia, China, Nigeria, Sweden, Turkey, and the United Kingdom and was presented to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, HE Mr Kofi Annan by the Foreign Minister of Sweden, HE Ms Laila Freivalds at a seminar in New York in 2006.
Summary of Phase II Concluding Report 2006 in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish