What we do
Based on the Challenges Forum’s vision of Global peace and security through strong multilateral partnerships and more effective peace operations, our purpose is to facilitate networking and dialogue, to influence the global agenda on peace operations.
As a global partnership, we offer a unique space for members in which to step away from national positions and to engage in issues related to challenges to peace operations in fragile contexts.

Strategy 2024-2028
The jointly adopted Challenges Forum Strategy presents the vision, mission, principles, and approaches of the Challenges Forum Partnership, and defines its strategic objectives for 2024-2028. The two strategic objectives, or results, that the Challenges Partnership wants to contribute are:
Strategic Objective 1: The Challenges Forum recommendations are taken into consideration in relevant internal and external processes regarding the development of future international peace operations, including with strengthened regional partnerships.
Strategic Objective 2: The Challenges Forum creates opportunities for more effective mission leadership in international peace operations, by providing platforms for exchange of knowledge, experiences, and best practices.
To find out more, read our strategy
Operational plan
The more detailed operational plan contributes to the realisation of the partnership’s strategy, by steering the annual work carried out by the Challenges Forum International Secretariat (CFIS). It determines priorities and main initiatives, based on the input from the partnership as well as the resources and capacities within the secretariat. The operational plan for 2024 was adopted at the Challenges Forum Partner meeting.
Events and seminars
Being a dialogue platform for shaping the debate on peace operations – the Challenges Forum organizes a range of innovative events, workshops and seminars each year for partners and other key stake holders.
The Annual Forum is the Challenges Forum’s flagship event, launching current and cutting-edge initiatives on peace operations policy reform including strategic and operational approaches. It invites some 150 leading practitioners, experts and officials from this field, and is hosted by Partners on a rotating basis. A plethora of geographic and thematic areas are represented as well as equal gender representation among participants. The forum generates the partnerships collectively formulated Recommendations.
Workshops and seminars are held on regular basis throughout the year. The purpose is to create dialogue for generation of innovative ideas and increase the impact of Challenges Forum’s recommendations. These events are additionally important opportunities to build relationship between Partners, and engaging with key stakeholders.