Challenges of Protecting Civilians in Multidimensional Peace Operations
The third International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations was hosted by the Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence (now retitled Australian Civil-Military Centre) in Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia 27-29 April 2010. The focus was “Challenges of Protecting Civilians in Multidimensional Peace Operations”.

The Forum focused on contemporary issues to enhance the protection of civilians (POC) in complex peace operations. Specifically, Challenges Forum 2010 focused on assessing the complexities, achievements and shortcomings in strengthening POC in multidimensional peace operations, and focused on identifying and proposing practical ways to enhance POC; and to address POC issues of particular concern to the international community with the aim of identifying best practices to be considered in the further development of international POC guidelines and practices for international peace operations.
In addition to representatives from the Challenges Forum Partner Organizations, key officials of international and regional organizations, national representatives in different intergovermental bodies, and a selection of leading academic and NGO representatives attended the 2010 Challenges Forum.

Challenges Annual Forum Report 2010: Challenges of Protecting Civilians in Multidimensional Peace Operations