CAF22 – Future of Peace Operations
When the Challenges Annual Forum 2022 gathered in New Delhi to discuss the future of peace operations, they concluded the need to focus on eg flexible mandates, well-resourced missions, and regional partnerships, all while recommitting to UN principles.
After two years of virtual events, the Challenges Forum could finally meet in person 6-7 October, at the premises of our excellent co-hosting partner the United Service Institution of India. The CAF22 provided a unique chance for more than 140 policymakers, scholars, practitioners and civil society representatives from 26 countries to engage in high-level conversations and dialogue-driven workshops, while identifying effective solutions.
Under the overarching CAF22 theme “Future of Peace Operations”, three sub-themes were chosen for extensive discussions in smaller working groups:
• Place for Preventive Deployment in Diplomacy (read the background paper) (see short film on key takeaways)
• Protection of Civilians in Peace Operations (read the background paper) (see short film on takeaways)
• Protecting the Protectors (read the background paper) (see short film on takeaways)
The essence and outcome of the two days of dialogue resulted in ten concrete Key Takeaways, on how peace operations can remain relevant and further the New Agenda for Peace initiative. The full report from the event is available here.

More information about our partnership’s flagship event the Challenges Annual Forum.
Communication material from #CAF22Delhi
The working group discussions were held as closed sessions, but the open high-level and panel discussions were live-streamed to a broader audience, and can be watched again below.
Per Olsson Fridh, Director-General of Folke Bernadotte Academy, and the Chair of the Challenges Partner Meeting shared his views on the Challenges platform and the upcoming CAF22, in an interview before the event.
Social media was an effective channel to create engagement and interest for the CAF22, by sharing films and other visual content.