Challenges Annual Forum 2021 – Climate and Environmental Security
Challenges Annual Forum 2021 gathered around 100 partners and key stakeholders from across the globe in a virtual event to discuss and recommend how peace operations could more effectively address climate and environmental security risks and opportunities.
CAF21Berlin was organised 1-3 december, by the Challenges Forum International Secretariat (CFIS), together with the German Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF),
Three days of virtual interactive discussions resulted in some very concrete key takeaways around the three subthemes: ANALYSIS & planning, PEOPLE-CENTERED approach and PARTNERSHIPS. Read the Key Takeaways here
In addition to the three working group discussions, the first days’ opening sessions were live streamed for a wider external audience. (Watch again below)

The Annual Forum was originally planned as a hybrid event in Berlin, but due to the pandemic situation it was carried out fully digitally.
The discussions were also followed on social media and created a lot of engagement. See the full agenda with speakers here
The theme – Climate and Environmental security
The Climate and Environmental security theme has been high on the global agenda 2021. There is a growing recognition that climate change affects missions’ mandate delivery, the ability to support peace and security, and most critically host communities’ efforts to build resilient and peaceful societies. Understanding climate and security risks will increasingly have to shape the debate on ongoing and future peace operations. Adapting to these environmental challenges could provide UN missions with new entry points for peacekeeping and peacebuilding.
The Challenges Annual Forum 2021 centred its dialogues around three relevant suib-themes. To prepare the participants for the solutions-oriented discussions, three separate background papers were produced by different authors, available on the links below:
- Analysis: Integrating climate risks into analysis and planning
- Opportunities: Developing a people-centred approach to climate security opportunities
- Partnerships: Exploring new avenues for collaboration