Challenges Forum Expert Group on Emerging Issues for Peace Operations – Digital Technologies and Peace Operations
The Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF), together with the Challenges Forum International Secretariat, hosted the second meeting with the partner-initiated Expert Group on Emerging Issues for Peace Operations. The topic of the meeting was Digital Technologies and Peace Operations.

The meeting was co-hosted by ZIF, represented by Dr. Almut Wieland-Karimi, Executive Director, Dr. Annika Hansen, Senior Researcher and Dr. Marlien Schlaphoff, Special Assistant to the Executive Director. The Challenges Forum partner ZIF has intensified its work on digital technologies and has recently released a blog called TechPops, ‘100 voices on Technology and Peace Operations’, where experts and mission staff can share their experiences on how technologies can be used in peace operations.
Dr. Annika Hansen initiated the meeting by shortly describing some of the entry points to the quite broad topic of digital technologies in peace operations. One of the entry points for the discussions in the meeting was how digital technologies have been and can be implemented in trainings of peacekeepers and mission staff. Several important perspectives were raised, among them the need to have a common TCC training standard in digital technology and to use interactive e-learning courses to a larger extent.

The participants furthermore discussed the importance of strategic communication to counter the spread of disinformation and the need for contextual needs assessments of digital technologies in missions.
Among the participants and contributors to the meeting were:
- China Institute for International Strategic Studies (CIISS)
- The Australian Civil-Military Centre (ACMC)
- Centro Argentino de Entrenamiento Conjunto para Operaciones de Paz (CAECOPAZ)
- The United States Army Peacekeeping and Stability Operations Institute (PKSOI)
- Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution and Peacekeeping in Africa (CCCPA)
- US State Department
- The Institute of Security Studies (ISS)