Challenges Forum Webinar : The Changing Global Order and the Future of Peace Operations
On 29 April 2020 the Challenges Forum Partners the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS), Addis Ababa University, support by the Challenges Forum International Secretariat (CFIS), hosted a virtual discussion on how to sustain effective peace operations in a changing global order and what needs to be done in order to ensure this?
Michelle Ndiaye Ntab David Haeri Cedric de Coning Jean-Marie Guéhenno Victoria K. Holt
Participating in the panel were:
- Jean-Marie Guéhenno, Challenges Forum Patron, Member of the UN Secretary-General’s High-Level Advisory Board on Mediation, former USG for Peacekeeping Operations and former President of International Crisis Group
- Michelle Ndiaye Ntab, Director Africa Peace and Security Programme (APSP) African Union / Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) Addis Ababa University
- Cedric de Coning, Senior Research Fellow, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI), Senior Advisor, ACCORD
- Victoria K. Holt, Vice President, The Henry L. Stimson Center
- David Haeri, Director, Division for Policy, Evaluation and Training (DPET), UN Department of Peace Operations
Dr. Björn Holmberg Benoît Pylyser
The chair of the webinar was Dr. Björn Holmberg, Director, CFIS and moderating the discussions was Benoît Pylyser, Strategic Adviser, CFIS.
Over 250 people participated in the Webinar from across the globe representing key actors within the field of peace operations. The webinar was kicked-off with a presentation by Cedric de Coning followed by guiding questions directed to the panelists. Participants contributed with insightful questions. Discussions focused on the effects of changing global power relations, the impact of COVID-19 on peace operations, and adapting peace operations along a spectrum of needs.
The session ended with each panelist making a prediction on peace operations in 10 years’ time with as key common thread that peacekeeping will remain one of the cornerstones of multilateral governance, but will need to adapt to the changing global order.
The full webinar is available on the YouTube channel below.