Multinational Collaboration in UN Peace Operations: How to Build Better Bridges?

As peace operations are becoming more multinational, the ability to manage diversity has become a crucial factor for better mandate implementation. On 25 April, the Challenges Forum organised a panel discussion at Sciences Po in Paris, exploring new research on how peacekeepers from different nationalities interact with one another, and thereby translate an ambiguous mandate into effective action.

In their recent research brief, Prof. Chiara Ruffa, Sciences Po Paris, and Prof. Sebastiaan Rietjens, Netherlands Defence Academy, explore the important relationship between peacekeepers from different nationalities. Their findings show that an “othering” behaviour is harmful for a mission’s performance. Their policy recommendations suggest that UN should promote a bridge-building mindset, while increasing the blue helmets’ understanding of the overall mission goals.

Read the key takeaways from the event here.

From left: Chiara Ruffa, Dennis Gyllensporre, Pernilla Rydén, Guillaume Ponchin.

Watch the panel discussion afterwards on youtube, on the link below.

Featured Speakers (click on link for bio’s):
• Professor Chiara Ruffa, Centre for International Studies (CERI), Sciences Po.
Lt.Gen Dennis Gyllensporre, Associate Professor, Swedish Defence University and former Force Commander, UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
Fatima Maiga, President of the Coalition des Femmes Leaders, previously served as Chief of Staff at the Ministry of Reconciliation and the Ministry of Women in Mali (video recording)
Brig.Gen. Guillaume Ponchin, , ministère des Armées, former Chief of the General Staff, UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA)
Moderator: Pernilla Rydén, Director, Challenges Forum International Secretariat