Current Challenges for Peace Operations
The Challenges Forum Seminar 2011 in New York was co-hosted by the Permanent Representatives of Australia, Pakistan and Sweden to the United Nations on 15-17 February. Some 230 senior UN officials and practitioners, representatives of Member States, regional organizations and Challenges Forum Partner Organizations, gathered for the deliberations.
The Challenges Blue Forum, focused on police peacekeeping, was developed in close cooperation with the United Nations Department for Peacekeeping Operations Police Division. The Forum Seminar took place at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York.

Some 230 civilian, military and police representatives from the Partner Organizations, senior and mid-level UN officials, including the Under-Seretaries-General of the UN DPKO and UN DFS, Assistant Secretaries-General of UN OROLSI and UNDP, the Challenges Forum Patron, UN Member States representatives, academics, and peacekeeping representatives of regional organizations contributed to the deliberations. The Challenges Blue Forum was attended by 14 Police commissioners and Advisers currently responsible for the UN Police missions and components ongoing today.
The Challenges Forum Seminar focused on the following themes:
- Challenges of Multidimensional Peacekeeping: Considerations for Mission Leadership in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in Managing Consent and Bridging the Peacekeeping-Peacebuilding Nexus
- The Peacekeeping Partnership: Progress and Prospects
- Protection of Civilians
- The New Horizon for Enabling Peacekeeping Capabilities for the Future
- Challenges Blue Forum – What are the Most Critical Police Peacekeeping Challenges for the Future?
Three reports laid the ground for the presentations and discussion during the Challenges Forum Seminar: