Cooperation and Coordination in Peace Operations: Challenges for UN Member States
The 15th International Challenges Seminar; “Cooperation and Coordination in Peace Operations: Challenges for UN Member States” was hosted by the Ministry of National Defence in cooperation with the China Institute for International Strategic Studies (CIISS) in Beijing 3-5 November 2004.

The Seminar focused on the complexity of the issue of effective cooperation and coordination and how it extends beyond the diversity of players and the various levels requiring cooperation and coordination. The challenges also differ considerably from phase to phase in any mission, phases which themselves are generally not clear cut and which can, depending upon circumstances (progress and setbacks) shift back and forth.
The objective was to be able to respond to a number of current concerns, including inter and intra disciplinary cooperation and coordination – what are the challenges for United Nations Member States in the new era? What are the expectations of the International Community? What are the challenges for personnel contributing countries? What are the implications of the diversification of tasks of peacekeepers and United Nations personnel for their education and training?