Workshop in Bali on Strengthening Collective Preparedness for Future UN Peace Operations
A Challenges Forum Workshop on Entering 2017: Strengthening Collective Preparedness for Future UN Peace Operations was hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in Bali on 10 – 11 November 2016.

The workshop built on the results of recent high-level reviews of UN peace operations, and the outcomes of the Leaders’ Peacekeeping Summit, the UN Chiefs of Defence and Police Summits, the UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Meetings in London and Paris, and the Challenges 20th Anniversary Forum.
The aim of the workshop was to contribute to the important work of
enhancing UN peace operations with a focus on collective preparedness
and on improving missions’ capabilities. Against this backdrop, participants were invited to deliberate upon key issues of common interests and concerns in three panel discussions on: i) enabling capabilities; ii) capacitybuilding; and iii) regional arrangements and perspectives. This was followed by discussions in smaller break-out groups to generate concrete recommendations on possible next steps.

The Bali Workshop offered an opportunity to address what the UN Security Council, UN Secretariat, and Troop and Police Contributing Countries, were now required to do to ensure effective progress in turning recommendations and by Member States pledged capabilities and capacity building into real developments in the field.