A Dialogue Towards the Summit of the Future
On November 30th 2023 we successfully hosted our hybrid dialogue discussing the critical key takeaways from the Challenges Annual Forum 2023 (CAF23).
For those who missed it or want a recap, check out our thread on X here an overview of insights from the dialogue.
An event co-hosted with Oxfam, NYU Centre on International Cooperation, UN University Centre for Policy Research, and the Baha’i International Community.
The dialogue centered around the New Agenda for Peace, highlighting the need for UN to supplement its peace and security toolbox, through deepened partnerships with regional organization. Peace efforts are more important than ever, but today’s polarized world prevents the UN from delivering on the Charter.
When the Challenges Annual Forum 2023 (CAF23) gathered partners and key stakeholders in October, this generated many ideas and perspectives on Global-Regional Peace & Security Partnerships. The UN should consolidate its core values and develop functioning approaches and concepts, including the need for more predictable financing of AU Peace Support Operations.
But how could the UN and AU build a more fit-for-purpose partnership, and what needs to be done between now and the Summit of the Future?
Our esteemed speakers and panelists included Liliane Nkunzimana from the Baha’i International Community, Pernilla Rydén and Benoît Pylyser from the Challenges Forum, David Haeri from the UN Department of Peace Operations, and an expert panel moderated by Adam Day of UN University, featuring Zinurine Alghali of the African Union, Remember Miyamingi from the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights, Neema Chusi of AUC Political Affairs, and Eugene Chen from the NYU Center on International Cooperation.
The event sparked engaging discussions and garnered important considerations for the upcoming Summit of the Future 2024.
We thank all our partners, speakers, and participants for making this event a success and look forward to continued collaboration as we move towards the Summit of the Future 2024.