Considerations for Mission Leadership in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations

Building on the 2008 United Nations Principles and Guidelines or the Capstone Doctrine as it is commonly known, Considerations for Mission Leadership in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations seeks to identify some of the principles and concepts underpinning the core functions of multidimensional peacekeeping.
It is a study with many purposes, as it may serve as an introduction or training material for new practitioners, as well as a reminder or reference document for experienced peacekeeping leaders. While it is primarily intended for the mission leadership team, Considerations may be of interest to anyone wishing to gain a better understanding of the host of issues and challenges facing contemporary peacekeeping operations.
The Considerations study was developed by the International Forum for the Challenges of Peace Operations, which includes leading political, military, police, and academic institutions from all continents. In addition, it greatly benefitted from the extensive review by senior-level peacekeeping practitioners and input from numerous experts in the UN system. As such, the study is a true product of partnership that is an essential ingredient of successful peacekeeping today.