Challenges Forum Consolidated Recommendations to Advance the Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) Agenda

This document offers a consolidated and prioritized list of key recommendations that have been formulated collectively by the Challenges Forum partnership and its international stakeholders to catalyse and support further action by Member States, the UN Secretariat, and Field Missions in their efforts to advance the UN’s Action for Peacekeeping (A4P) agenda and deliver more effective peace operations.
These recommendations align with the two strategic objectives that the Challenges Forum partnership has agreed to implement from 2019 to 2023. The first is focused on the effective implementation of the development and reform of UN peace operations and related regional partnerships. The second objective has a more specific focus on ensuring that the UN and regional partners have more effective mission leadership and strategic and operational management capacity.
These recommendations are intended to support the holistic implementation of A4P through mutually reinforcing recommendations, drawing on the commitments made in the Declaration of Shared Commitments by Member States, regional organizations and the UN Secretariat. Since these recommendations have emerged from discussions among the Challenges Forum over the last two years in parallel with the A4P agenda, some of them may already be partly implemented (for example, measures have been put in place to strengthen performance and training through the Light Coordination Mechanism, as well as the Comprehensive Performance Assessment System). The recommendations in this paper are intended to complement those already being implemented by the Secretariat and Member States as part of the A4P agenda. This list is categorized according to the eight thematic areas guiding the A4P agenda.