POAC meeting on the New Agenda for Peace
As the UN is facing increasing demands for peace efforts, in a global polarised world, the requirement for peace operations to be able to be flexible and adaptive, and ready to respond efficiently are increasing. However, what should the tool box for future peace operations look like?
These relevant questions were raised during our Partners Organizations Advisory Committee (POAC) meeting, on 18 January, discussing the Challenge Forum’s collective input to the UN Secretary General’s New Agenda for Peace initiative.
The Partnership welcomes the UN Secretary-General’s plan to re-energize multilateral peace and security. Hence, this year’s first POAC meeting was a step in the process of crafting the Challenges Forum’s collective contribution to the Agenda. In addition to the POAC members, the Challenges Forum Patron Jean-Marie Guehénno participated at the meeting.
The current POAC for the Challenges Forum consists of the following four partners:
– Cabinet Office, Government of Japan,
– US Departement of State
– Institute for Security Studies (ISS), South Africa,
– Cairo International Center for Conflict Resolution, Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding (CCCPA)

Read more on the Governance of the Challenges Forum Partnership