Watch the livestream of CAF23
Join us for the live streamed open sessions and high-level panels at our upcoming Challenges Annual Forum in Addis Ababa 🇪🇹 . We start at 12.00 EAT, the 26th October.
See below the programme for the livestreamed sessions. The working group discussions on Thursday afternoon will be held under Chatham House Rule and will be not be livestreamed. However, the key takeaways from the working groups will be discussed during the plenery at 11 am on Friday the 27th.
Day 1
13:00-13:30Â Â | Official Welcome |
13:30-13:45   | Keynote Address: the AU-UN peace and security partnership in tomorrow’s world In a time of increased global tension, the UN needs to consider how it does business. Most naturally, the world organisation would turn to regional and sub-regional organisations to secure peace, security and development. What are the challenges and opportunities for moving this forward? |
13:45-15:00Â Â | High-level Panel: UN support to AU and African-led peace enforcement operations This session will unpack the recommendations made by the UN Secretary-General’s New Agenda for Peace and discuss how the UN can better support the AU and sub-regional peace enforcement operations, and what opportunities and risks this entails. |
Day 2
09:30-10:30 | Youth, Peace and Security An innovative spotlight presentation, followed by a moderated discussion on how peace operations can foster youth inclusion and leverage the power of youth. |
11:00-12:00 | Plenary: Expert discussion on key takeaways Moderated reflection on the key working group conclusions and CAF23 key takeaways. |
13:00-14:30        | High-level Panel Discussion: Towards more systematic financing of AU peace support operations mandated by the UN Security Council The UN Secretary-General has called for a new generation of peace enforcement missions, led by regional forces, with guaranteed predictable funding. This session will discuss where we stand and what’s next with the framework resolution on financing of AU peace support operations mandated by the UN Security Council. |
See HERE for the full programme including speakers.