The Partners’ Meeting is the governing body of the Challenges Forum. Its purpose is firstly to determine the overarching and long-term goals of the partnership, and secondly to assess the Challenges Forum’s results and outcomes. The Partners’ Meeting is attended by representatives of the Challenges Forum partner organizations.

Chair of the Partners’ Meeting is the Director General of the Folke Bernadotte Academy. The Partner Meeting meets once a year to review progress of the implementation of the Challenges Forum long term strategy, follow up the yearly operational plan and to decide on the upcoming plan. CFIS is hosted by FBA, on behalf of the Challenges Forum Partnership.
Interview with Per Olsson Fridh as the new Chair, made in 2022.
Mandated by the Partner Meeting, the Challenges Forum’s International Secretariat (CFIS) is the executive body of the Challenges Forum. CFIS leads, plans and coordinates the daily work of the Challenges Forum Partnership. It is also responsible for developing the agenda and proposals for the Challenges Forum and for supporting the Partnership in reaching the strategic objectives decided by the Partners’ Meeting. The Director leads CFIS’ work and reports to the Partners’ Meeting.
The Partners Organizations Advisory Committee (POAC) is the advisory body of the partnership to the CFIS.
In 2024-2025, it consists of the following four partners:
🇮🇳 United Service Institution of India (USI),
🇿🇦 Institute for Security Studies (ISS), South Africa,
🇫🇷 French Minstry of Defense
🇺🇸 US Departement of State

The Patron of the Challenges Forum is Mr Jean-Marie Guéhenno, former Under-Secretary-General for United Nations Peacekeeping (2000-2008). His role is to share his long-standing experience and unique expertise on peace operations with the Challenges Partnership, and to advise the Director of the International Secretariat on strategic and operational issues of relevance for the Challenges Forum.

The Statues of the Challenges Forum is the Partnership Framework adopted by the Partner Meeting in 2012