Cooperation and Coordination in Peace Operations: United Nations and Regional Perspectives
Geneva Centre for Security Policy in cooperation with the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport of Switzerland hosted the Challenges Annual Forum 2012 in May in Geneva, Switzerland on the theme “Cooperation and Coordination in Peace Operations: United Nations and Regional Perspectives”.

The conference addressed the broad theme of cooperation and coordination in the field of multidimensional peace operations. Through a series of Panel sessions and Working groups, the Challenges Forum looked at different challenges posed to the broad range of actors of peace operations (United Nations, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, local actors) in interacting among each other so as to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of their action.
The main objective was to take stock of recent developments at both the policy and field levels on the topics of inter-institutional and internal coordination and cooperation, as well as to identify required and preferable policy responses. Discussions drew on various experiences from different organizations and operations, with the objective to exchange lessons learned among all actors involved and with the view to develop a forward looking number of options for future action and implementation.