Insights on Disinformation for SIPRI’s Writepeaceblog
The Challenges Forum International Secretariat team published a think piece for the SIPRI’s Writepeaceblog on the issues and challenges of mis- and disinformation for UN Peace Operations.
The post, titled “Tackling mis- and disinformation: Seven insights for UN peace operations”, touches upon contemporary challenges that arise from the weaponization of digital communications and social media. Following an enlightening discussion during a roundtable discussion at Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development 2023, focusing on tackling the threats of mis- and disinformation to peace operations, the Challenges Forum was requested to further expand on the topic. Within conflict settings, truth both has and will often be sidelined, making it important for peacekeepers to be mindful and adapt their strategies to address the threats of mis- and disinformation.
The article presents “seven insights” on how to face these challenges. Some main ideas include; emphasizing the importance of understanding multiple narratives, analyzing root causes, prioritizing mission-wide communication, and more. We of course encourage everyone to explore this resource in order to gain a comprehensive understanding of an ever so pressing topic.
The Challenges Forum International Secretariat would like to thank SIPRI for the opportunity to collaborate on this piece, along with all our partners and all those who contributed to this vital dialogue. Above all, we are proud to be a part of this conversation as we believe that understanding the implications and sources of mis- and disinformation, and acting upon them, is mandatory for not only the success but also the safety of UN Peace Operations.