
China Institute for International Strategic Studies in cooperation with the Peacekeeping Office, Ministry of National Defence.
The China Institute for International Strategic Studies (CIISS) is a national non-governmental academic organization engaged in international strategic studies. The Institute was established in October 1979. The highest leading body of the Institute is its Council. It elects its chairman and vice-chairmen who preside over the work of the Institute. The aim of the Institute is to conduct studies on international strategic situations, global security, world political and economic as well as regional issues; to establish contacts and carry out academic exchanges with relevant international strategic research institutions, academic organizations and public figures at home and abroad; and to offer consultancy and policy advice to and undertake research projects for relevant departments of the Chinese Government, the military and other institutions and enterprises and serve as their think tank in the interests of national and international security, economic development, and world peace and development.
The CIISS in cooperation with the Peacekeeping Affairs Office, Ministry of National Defence, hosted China’s first high-level seminar on peacekeeping in Beijing in 2004 as a Challenges seminar on the theme ‘Cooperation and Coordination in Peace Operations: Challenges for UN Member States’. China translates Challenges Forum reports and material into Chinese.
In 2014, the Challenges Annual Forum was hosted by China at the Peacekeeping Centre of the Ministry of National Defence. Assessing the implications for capacity building of the findings of the present study on ‘Designing Mandates and Capabilities for Future Peace Operations’, the theme of the Annual Forum 2014 was ‘Building Capacity for Peace Operations in Response to Diversified Threats: What Lies Ahead?’. The 2014 Forum also involved a visit to the Police Peacekeeping Academy in Lanfang.