
Center for International Peace Operations in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office.
The Berlin Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF) was established in 2002 by the Federal Government of Germany and the German Parliament to strengthen international civilian capacities for crisis prevention, conflict resolution and peacebuilding. It is a non-profit limited liability company, whose sole shareholder is the Federal Republic of Germany, represented by the German Federal Foreign Office.
ZIF provides services and expertise on peace operations integrating training, the secondment of German civilian personnel, international capacity development, research and analysis under one roof.
This includes
- the training, recruitment, and secondment of civilian experts for peace operations, humanitarian operations and election observation missions;
- the management of the ZIF Expert Pool with over 1,400 qualified and experienced experts available for assignment in a broad range of professional areas;
- analysis, information and policy advice on all aspects of peace operations to contribute to the conceptual debate and the development of peace operations;
- and advice to international organisations, their member states and peace operations to promote the exchange and transfer of knowledge between relevant agencies.
ZIF in cooperation with the German Federal Foreign Office hosted a Challenges Forum research workshop in Berlin in 2012 on the theme ‘The Future Is Now: Putting Scenarios for Peace Operations in 2025 into Today’s Operational Context’. ZIF has co-chaired the working group on ‘Peacekeeping Under New Conditions’ for the report ‘Designing Mandates and Capabilities for Future Peace Operations’. A further contribution to that study, in 2014, a Challenges Forum workshop on the theme ‘Force Intervention Brigade: A Sea Change for UN Peace Operations?’ was hosted by the Permanent Mission of Germany to the UN. In 2018, ZIF hosted a Challenges Forum workshop in Berlin on the theme ‘ The Making of Leaders for 21st Century Peace Operations.
ZIF will be the host of the hybrid Challenges Annual Forum 2021 on Peace Operations and Climate & Environmental Security, #CAF21Berlin.

Partner papers
- Annual Forum Report 2024
- Background paper: Enhancing Integration and Strategic Coherence in Peacebuilding
- Background paper: Operationalising Adaptable and Effective Peace Operations
- Background paper: Sustainable Political Solutions for Successful Peace Operations
- Challenges Annual Forum Report 2021
- Key Takeaways CAF21
- Background Paper: Exploring New Avenues for Partnerships
- Background Paper: Developing a People-Centered Approach to Climate Security
- Background Paper: Integrating Climate-Security Risks into Analysis and Planning